Faithful Fruit on His Firm Foundation (Mt. 21:33-46)

Here’s my sermon from this past Sunday - continuing on in our Matthew series. You can check out the audio here.

Many years ago, while I was in grad school in Louisville, Amy and I bought our first house across the river in a small town in southern Indiana. We found out almost immediately that the previous owner considered himself a DIY sort of guy. But the results were not what you’d call great. One example: he hung the toilet paper holder on the outside wall of a bathroom cabinet. How? With nails. Long nails - that stuck out on the inside of the cabinet. That scratched you when you reached in for towels. I don’t think the man read the directions.

But the most head scratching thing was how he installed the wood fence. It wasn’t stable at all. It swayed in the wind. Most sections weren’t even close to level. It’s no wonder our golden retriever didn’t just barrel his way right through. A neighbor told us that he had actually put it up in the rain. Maybe he used cement for the posts. But they never set properly. And for that reason, maybe it looked alright from the street. But we know it’d soon be on the ground. You see, you can’t overstate the importance of the foundation. Otherwise, the fruit of your labor will be the next owner’s joke.

Well, we’re slowly making our way through the gospel of Matthew. We’re in the last section of Christ’s ministry - at least in his first Advent. We’re in what’s been called Holy Week. Likely here on Tuesday. And we find ourself in a short section of parables Jesus shares. Amidst a longer stretch of teaching that runs through all of chapter 25.

Last week, Aaron looked at a tale of two sons. This week we come to the Parable of the Tenants. And we’re going to see that the Lord cares about our faithfulness, about our fruit. And that fruit must be rooted on His firm foundation. My approach this morning will be pretty straightforward. I’ll walk us through the parable, we’ll hear Christ’s explanation. And then we’ll look at how it might apply to us today.

The Parable of the Tenants

First, let’s look at this parable. The Lord starts with the words, in verse 33, “Hear another parable.” Before I jump in, though, a question to consider: are you and I willing to listen? To truly hear the words of Jesus? Unlike most of His audience here. Voices are shouting at us from dawn to dusk. Jesus wants His words to cut through the noise. We’re being shaped by our smartphones, by the friends that we keep. We’re listening to their words. They have our attention. Are we hearing the words of Jesus? Words like these - from the one who created us, who’s come to redeem us - and has kindly spoken to us in our Bibles? Will we hear all Christ’s words? Will we hear these parables?

Scholar Klyde Snodgrass calls a parable an “expanded analogy used to convince and persuade.” Now this parable, the analogy Jesus makes here, isn’t really that hard to follow. Back in that day - and it still happens now - a landowner or “master” as he’s called in verse 33, would rent out his land to tenants. First, this owner planted a “vineyard” on that land. He “put a fence around it” to keep out animals. He “built a tower” as a way to watch out for thieves, maybe look out for fires. He even “dug a winepress” so everything was covered. They could make their drink right on the spot. He “leased it to tenants” who could tend to his vines. Everything was as it should be to bear good fruit. And then he “went into another country.” We learn all this here just in verse 33.

When the time came for the grapes to grow ripe, verse 34 tells us that the owner “sent his servants to the tenants” to receive what was his. And verses 35 and 36 tell us that they’re not received well. One is beaten. Another is killed. Still another is stoned. So the landowner sends more. And they get the same treatment, also.

Therefore, the master takes a more risky approach. On the surface, it even looks naive. He sends his very own son, thinking verse 37 says, they’ll surely respect him. But the tenants see it as a wicked opportunity. They reason, says verse 38, that only that son stands in the way of the land becoming theirs. They say, “This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.” And verse 39 tells us they do exactly that. They throw that son out of the farm. And they put him to death.

That’s when Jesus turns to his audience, there in the temple. The “chief priests and elders,” we learn from verse 23 above. And He asks those questioning him a question. Verse 40: “When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” And they respond pretty quickly, in the verse that follows,“He will put those wretches to a miserable death and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.” But soon a realization is going to upset their stomachs. They had just unknowingly brought down curses upon their heads.

The Parable’s Explanation

Well, why is that? Let’s turn then, second, to Christ’s explanation of the parable. He explains that picture with another picture. Isn’t that what we see, there in chapter 21, verse 42? But before we get there, hear the start of the Lord’s question. In it, we see a glimpse of His heart. He wants them - and us - to really understand. He says, “Have you never read in the Scriptures?” And there I want to pause for just a minute again. Do we hear Jesus asking that question of us? He looks into our lives. With clarity. And compassion. He sees our pains, our masks, our idols, our flaws. He can read us completely. Knows exactly what we need. And He asks, “Haven’t you read my words?”

Have we? And if we haven’t, why not? He’s revealed Himself in our Bibles. He’s graciously given this story. This love letter to us. That’s all about Him. He reminds us of that here. But will we read - hear - His words - in passages like this?

The Lord quotes Psalm 118. He stands and sings over them what had just been sung over Him. Do you remember? Back when He rode into Jerusalem, on that donkey. The people waved their branches. And they shouted out, what we saw back in Matthew 21:9, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Straight out of Psalm 118, verses 25 and 26. They’re praising Him, calling Him the long awaited King. Now Christ returns to that same Psalm here. Hear verse 42 that comes right from Psalm 118, verses 22 and 23.

“‘The stone that the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone;

this was the Lord’s doing,

and it is marvelous in our eyes’?       

Now this was a Psalm that pointed first to God’s people. This nation rejected by the world, but chosen by God. Others say it might point to David - the last boy anyone would pick, who became a mighty king for God. But Jesus is saying that it all points to Him. Who did everything that Israel failed to do. A new, greater King who would live and reign forever.   

In the original Hebrew language, from back in Psalm 118 - there’s clearly a play on words. The word for “son” is ben. The word for “stone” is eben. So just one letter separating those two words. Just like they’re only two letters’ difference between “son” and “stone.” The son, the stone, they’d rejected and would kill. He is the cornerstone. And that was God’s plan. And it gave God pleasure.

Now Jesus doesn’t spell all the story’s details out. But let’s think back through it again. The “master,” the “owner,” is clearly the Lord. The “vineyard” clearly refers to the people, the Jews. As we’ve said elsewhere in our study, that was a common image for Israel. In fact, this parable follows quite closely to Isaiah chapter five.

Isaiah 5:1    Let me sing for my beloved

my love song concerning his vineyard:

My beloved had a vineyard

on a very fertile hill.

2 He dug it and cleared it of stones,

and planted it with choice vines;

he built a watchtower in the midst of it,

and hewed out a wine vat in it;

and he looked for it to yield grapes,

but it yielded wild grapes.

The “fence,” and the “tower” - along with the “winepress” - it emphasizes God’s care for the people of Israel. They were all set up so they could succeed. He planted them. He protected them. They were ready to grow. Ready to bear fruit. So many verbs in that short story. They spotlight the kindness of God to His people.

The “tenants,” of course, represent those religious leaders. The ones questioning Christ’s authority. They’d been entrusted with the vine. And grapes are produced. The question’s just what kind.

The “servants” refer to the prophets God sent. Those they mocked and ignored. Those they abused and even killed. And the “son” of course here is Jesus Himself. Those leaders would soon have Him killed. Verse 46 tells us that it’s only their fear of the crowds that keeps them from grabbing him and hanging him on the cross.

But that time would come. And for that reason, and straight from their mouths, they themselves would be kicked out and judged. And the vineyard of God would be entrusted to others.

Imagine you’re those guys there listening to that story. You’re tracking along. Or at least you think you are. Yeah, we’re the vineyard. God’s planted us here. And those tenants - those ROMANS - are pillaging our land. They’re killing our leaders. God’s son - His people Israel. And then Jesus drops some poetry on them from Psalm 118. Their minds would have been blown.   

Pastor/author Eugene Peterson called Christ’s parables “subversive.” Ordinary stories. Nothing overtly surprising or spiritual. But they leave people thinking, often uncomfortable. Like a rock in their shoe. Or a ticking time bomb, ready to go off. And that’s what seems to happen right here. I bet you could see that realization in their faces. Soon it all hits them. The tenants aren’t THEM. Actually, they’re us. We’re the ones heading for the vine branch shredder. Or at least that’s what HE’S saying. Because He’s saying that He’s somehow the chief cornerstone.   

Jesus makes that all clear, we see,  in verses 43 and 44.

Matthew 21:43   Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits. 44 And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.”

Jesus tells those leaders a couple of hard truths. First, the privilege of that nation, of her leaders, would be ripped violently away. And it would be transferred to others due to their bad fruit. No longer would Israel’s twelve tribes be the center of God’s plan. Rather, through those twelve apostles He’d build a new people of God. A new race comprised of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Who’d do what Adam and Israel had failed to do. Being fruitful, multiplying. Bearing fruit for His kingdom.

Picture the manager walking up to the mound. And taking the baseball. And the pitcher walks off. His head hanging low. And he hands the ball to another. Really to a whole other team. Or the girl on the stage, singing horribly off key. They take away her mic. And hand it off to another. Or shut down the whole show. That’s what Jesus is saying there in chapter 21, verse 43. Game over. Pull the curtain. On the nation of Israel.    

Second, those missing, those rejecting, the foundation, that stone - they’d be judged. Here, in verse 44, Jesus seems to be drawing from two Old Testament passages. Look first, back in Isaiah 8, where the prophet says:

Isaiah 8:13 But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.14 And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.15 And many shall stumble on it. They shall fall and be broken; they shall be snared and taken.

One “who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces.” Many will stumble over Jesus and find themselves broken.

Take second Daniel chapter 2, where we see this big statue - representing the kingdoms of the world. A stone falls on it. And the statue crashes down. And that rock becomes, says verse 35, a “great mountain and filled the whole earth.” That’s our King. That’s His Kingdom. Whether you stumble on this stone. And are broken by it. Or the stone falls on you. You’re crushed. Game over. Roll the credits.

Again, the leaders read Psalm 118 thinking the world’s rejected them.  But Jesus says, no, they need to not reject Him. He’s the stone, the son. He’s the center, the point. And if they persist, it’s them He’ll reject. And He would be vindicated. They’d turned from their King, their firm foundation. And they’d not borne good fruit, been faithful to His kingdom.

This Parable’s Application

So what do we do with this parable today? Let’s move from Israel to the church to our individual lives.

First, Israel. Anti-semitism is clearly on the rise again today. And many will point to passages like these - and the fact that they fulfill it in putting Christ to death - as justification for their hatred. But Jesus of course is a Jewish man Himself. And God’s plans began with the people of Israel. Paul love for His people made him willing even to be cursed for their salvation. That’s Romans 9. And in chapter 11, he seems to indicate that the Lord’s not done with that nation. That good things are in store for them. When the end draws near.

However, that nation’s no longer central in the purposes of God. It’s pretty clear from this passage and so much of Scripture. God promised Abraham a people. And promised great land. But they pointed beyond to something much, much greater. That land expands way past the borders of Palestine - to fill the earth. And those descendants come from every people group on the earth. We’re now a temple, filled with His Spirit - and built on the chief cornerstone, Jesus. Go check out 1 Peter 2 later today.

Therefore - and this might be controversial for some - but trying to gather all Jews over in Palestine today. And pushing out people who’ve lived there for hundreds of years. It’s not only cruel. It makes little biblical sense. God’s work began with Israel. And that deserves honor, for sure. But they resisted God’s plan. They were not faithful. They bore bad fruit. They turned their back on the firm foundation. And now they’re just one of many nations that make up Christ’s church. But they bear God’s image. And they need to hear of their Messiah.

Second, the church. We just finished up Black History Month. And it’s easy for us to look back and say, “We would have resisted slavery. We wouldn’t have killed MLK Jr.” But really? When we see all the racism still around today? Maybe we look back and look down on the Jewish leaders in this text. But we’re standing here - on the other side of the cross. We have so much light. Is our fruit really something to be proud of? How faithful are we? And is our life really built on His firm foundation?

Back when Amy and I were living in that first house, we had a golden retriever named Tozer. I heard recently that dogs and their owners have one thing in common. They both follow each other around, wondering what the other has in their mouth. One day we had a big snowfall, and we let out Tozer out in yard. And he came back in with something brown between his teeth, and I reached in, and I ripped it right out. And suddenly I realized what it was. And I screamed and hurled it as far as I could, out toward that fence. Sometimes I think when God sees our “fruit” - that’s what He sees - what Amy and I came to call a poopcicle. And God wants to throw it far out of His sight.

Are we truly bearing good fruit - and fruit that will last? Or are we just building fancy buildings and dreaming up classes and activities to keep people busy? Are we growing into the image of Jesus? Are we introducing our neighbors to life in Him? Are we growing in love? Being known for good works? We can’t just presume that we’ve got it all together. And that Jesus isn’t gonna come and curse our fig tree. That He doesn’t wanna visit us and throw around tables.

We can hear this parable just like those leaders grilling Jesus. God’s planted us. We’re the vineyard. And those all those bad people out there - they’re taking out God’s people and are soon gonna be judged. But what if we’re the tenants, producing nasty fruit?

What if we’re spurning God’s messengers? We’re rejecting His son. We’re stumbling over His stone, what should be our foundation. And we’re the ones who are going to get thrown out of the garden. And have our lampstand removed, in the words of Revelation? Are we being faithful? Bearing good fruit?   

We also have to ask ourselves what’s our foundation. One pastor talked about visiting that tower in Italy, the leaning tower of Pisa. His guide was explaining to him that the tower could be saved. It could be straightened. They could pump concrete underneath. They could keep it from leaning further. Maybe even make it stand straight. The pastor asked, of course, why they didn’t do that? And the tour guide responded, with a question himself, “Would you have come to Pisa if our bell tower had been straight? You see, my American amico, most people would rather be popular than straight.”

In America, we can turn and pander to people on the left. And we can toss out doctrines that the church has always held dear. And we look just like the world. In what we teach and how we live. But we can also pursue power right alongside the right. And bow down and do whatever those folks say. And swallow a whole bunch of other core teachings. We can seek to be popular. Or build our foundation on Christ. William Hendriksen, a New Testament scholar, explained the cornerstone in this passage like this:

“The cornerstone of a building, in addition to being part of the foundation and therefore supporting the superstructure, finalizes its shape, for, being placed at the corner formed by the junction of two primary walls, it determines the lay of the walls and crosswalls throughout. All the other stones must adjust themselves to this cornerstone. Such is the relation of Christ to his church.” (William Hendriksen)

Think about who we are, the people of Karis. We’re first a part of Protestantism, we’re children of the Reformation. There are five truths that summarize that movement of which we’re a part. Maybe you’ve heard them as the five solas. Scripture alone. Grace alone. Faith alone. His glory alone. And yes, Christ alone. Is He what we’re about? Is He our only hope? Is He alone what we’re building everything upon? Does He, the cornerstone, give shape to all we do? And is He producing in and through us the fruit of love?

Third, our lives. We can say that we’re all about Jesus. But we’re building our lives on the same things as the world. Money. Power. Sex. The pursuit of those things. But Jesus tells us that’s like building your house on sand. Setting your fence up in the rain. It’s not gonna stand. It’ll never last. But if we build our house on the rock, we can weather any storm.

We were also born out of what’s been called the gospel-centered movement. Recently, author Jared Wilson summarized that movement in three statements.

  1. The whole Bible is about Jesus.

  2. People change by grace, not law.

  3. Our ultimate validation is found not in our performance, but in Christ’s.

How do we know if we’re built on His firm foundation? We read the Bible and we see Jesus as the hero. Not as a rule book that we can somehow keep. We’re overwhelmed by His grace, and it transforms our hearts. And we’re so rooted in what Christ has done for us. It’s no longer about our performance. We no longer have anything to prove. And if we come face to face with our sin, we’re not devastated. We’re overcome with joy. That’s what it means to be gospel-centered. For Him to be our foundation.

And it also means that we’ll bear good fruit. That’s what the Spirit does in our lives. Certainly not perfectly. Definitely very gradually. But we’ll be increasingly known for our “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). So much of what’s called Christianity today looks absolutely nothing like that. But if we’re truly His vine, He’ll work His grace in us.

Our Fruit, Our Foundation

I want to wrap up with three questions.      

First, on what foundation are we building? Is it Him, our King, or something else? Together as a church? Each of us as individuals? Jesus or something else?

Second, what kind of fruit are we bearing? For His kingdom, or something else? Together? In our families? Are we being faithful to Him?

Third, are we hearing the words of our King about His Kingdom? It has to start there. As a church. As Christians. Jesus says, “Listen to this parable” He asks us, “Haven’t you read?” We primarily hear Him through our Bibles He’s given us. But He’s also given us servants, to remind us of those words. Are we open to hear? Or are we resistant and rebellious? Do we hear the words of Jesus in the Scriptures? Do we even read what He has said?

Rejected for Us

Karis here is the bad news first. We build really bad fences. We hand God nasty gifts. Our foundation gets off. Our fruit can look bad. But Jesus is this Son in this parable. The very Son of God. Who was sent by the Father out of love.

And He was willingly rejected and killed - that we could be forgiven, so that we could be changed. He allowed Himself to be broken, so that we could be made whole.

Friends, don’t reject Him. Don’t turn from the son. Don’t stumble over the Son. Don’t let yourself be rejected. Don’t let yourself be crushed. Turn to Him. Run to Him. While there’s still time.

This passage says so much about what God wants for us. But by His grace, in His strength, for His glory alone, let us build on the foundation of King Jesus alone. And faithfully bear fruit that will last for His kingdom. Karis, beloved, let’s pray.