Noodler's Baystate Blue Ink Review


If you’ve spent much time in the fountain pen hobby, and you’ve done even a little research on blue inks, you’ve likely run on to the controversy surrounding Noodler’s Baystate Blue. It’s a polarizing conversation. Some people really love it. Others really hate it. I like the ink. I enjoy Noodler’s inks. The brand itself has its detractors, yet I can’t understand why. Lots of colors are available. They work in most every pen. What’s not to like?


Baystate Blue is an extremely bright blue. It’s significantly more intense than Pilot’s Asa-gao. It jumps off the page. It’s extremely saturated. It shades very little, if at all. I like using it for copying passages of Scripture in my sermon manuscripts. It makes them pop. My eyes couldn’t skip them if they tried.

BSB does have some weaknesses you should be aware of and keep in mind. It really requires high-quality paper. Feathering and bleed-through definitely occur on cheap paper. I wouldn’t count on BSB if you’re working in an office and are commonly scribbling on copy paper.


The ink also has a reputation for staining. Get it on your fingers - and you will - and people can’t help but notice. Again, it’s an extremely bright, electric cobalt blue. I’m fortunate enough not to have had any accidents yet with BSB, but apparently clothes, carpet, and countertops are instant garbage if they come in contact with the ink. Use at your own risk! They also can stain pens. Clear demonstrators will usually end up with a permanent Baystate Blue tint. That’s certainly the case with one of my TWSBI Ecos. However, it doesn’t bother me much. I can make it a dedicated BSB pen, or simply always pair it with a blue ink. No big deal. It goes without saying that cleaning out pens filled with BSB will take some time.


If you keep all these things in mind, there’s no reason not to try Noodler’s great Baystate Blue. I’m hoping to try other inks in the series. Grab the blue for as little as $12.50 and no other blue will look the same again.


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